Obscure 2 elevator puzzle
Obscure 2 elevator puzzle

obscure 2 elevator puzzle obscure 2 elevator puzzle

As we are living in a postmodern era it is understandable that modern novels tend to classic columns. This method that we call alternative history is one of the key features of modern novels. The author creates a bridge between present and past, studying existing world history and demonstrating counter attitude to the so-called history. In the novels of Dan Brown alternative history dominates. It also shows that the novel can be placed in traditional and most recent literary culture. The research discovers that there is a fusion of several generic forms in The Da Vinci Code. The novel deals with a number of problems: love and family – the main problem is Christ’s marriage of Mary Magdalene and their posterity the problem has been supposedly hidden in Leonardo da Vinci’s works, especially the fresco “The Last Supper” the theme of art, the conflict between science and religion, etc. The protagonists and the villains are psychological characters. Robert Langdon and Sophie Neveu are the protagonists of the novel the Teacher-Teabing and Silas are the villains and the minor characters are: Bezu Fache, Bishop Aringarosa, and others. The analysis reveals that there are four subplots, apart from the main plot line at some crucial moments, or in most dramatic scenes, the plotlines crisscross or merge. All theories of the novel distinguish the following main genre constituents: plot, setting, character, thematic range, the narrator and point of view, intertextuality, and others. In the paper various concepts of the literary genre, especially the novel, in modern literary theory are presented and reviewed. The MA paper focuses on the problem of the genre of Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code.

Obscure 2 elevator puzzle