Killer bee
Killer bee

killer bee

Now, the African honey bee looks a lot like its European cousins, so much so that it takes an expert behind a microscope to tell them apart. scutellataspecies that can be said to be truly Africanized. Though more than 10 subspecies of the western bees found in the western region, it is only the A.m. The scientific name of these creatures is Apis mellifera scutellata Lepeletier. These bees are also found in some parts of America. The African Honey Bee is a part of the western bee species of Sub-Saharan Africa.


Let’s discuss the strategies for the identification and removal of Africanized honey bees: How to Identify Africanized Honey Bees? If you notice any signs of infestation by these killer bees in your neighborhood, start looking for ways to get rid of them immediately. That’s because the quarantine they were kept in wasn’t secure enough.


Much like a Hollywood movie script though, there were unexpected twists and turns, as around 26 swarms of bees escaped and spread all throughout North and South America. Interestingly, these giant bees were first introduced in Brazil to improve honey production in certain areas, somewhere around the 1950s. The Africanized bees have killed people in the past and have also killed large sized animals such as horses and others.

killer bee

They react to danger much faster and can chase a human being for up to 400 meters. Unlike the regular honey bees, they are a lot more aggressive and defensive in nature. The African bee’s sting hurts real bad and can prove to be lethal if you have the misfortune of bearing the brunt of an entire swarm. Obviously, only the most aggressive and most feral of beehives could survive in such a habitat. Africa is a continent known for its primitive, hostile environment where both human and animals were subject to the extremities of nature. Often referred to as “Killer Bees” by the mainstream media, this species is a cross between the European honey bees and bees from Africa. Home Bees Killer Bees – How To Identify and Get Rid of Africanized Honey Bees How Long Do Bees Live – Life Span of Different Types of Bees How to Differentiate among Bees, Hornets, Yellow Jackets And Wasps Killer Bees – How To Identify and Get Rid of Africanized Honey Bees

Killer bee